How to create a Corporation as an Owner

You need to create a new Ownership for a horse but the Owner is a Company or Corporation?

You can now create a Corporation as an Owner and this Corporation will have its own specific FEI ID number.


Step 1: You access the Horse's FEI ID page and you scroll down to the Ownerships section.

You can click on New Ownership and the CREATE NEW OWNERSHIP window will open.


Step 2: You enter the Since date - this is the date since which this Owner has owned the horse.

You select the tab Create new person or corporation to add a Corporation that does not yet exist on the FEI Database.

If the Corporation already exists, you can search for it under the Search for existing person or corporation tab.


Step 3: You tick the Corporation field as shown below and then enter the relevant details regarding the Company or Corporation.

By clicking OK, you add this Corporation to the Ownership you are creating for this horse.


Step 4: You can see that an individual Corporation FEI ID has been created for this Owner. If the Corporation is just one of the Owner's of this Ownership and you need to add a second Owner, you can click on Add Owner. Click here to see How to create a multi-owner Ownership.


Step 5: It is possible to add a Person of Contact for this Coroporation, this is a physical person who represents the Corporation or who could be the person of contact if necessary.

You can Search for existing corporation contact or Create new corporation contact, by selecting one of the relevant tabs.


Step 6: If you create a new corporation contact, you will need to enter the relevant information about the person.


The Person of Contact is then updated under the Ownership line:


Once you click on OK, the Ownership is updated on the Horse's FEI ID profile.


 Step 7: If the horse has a FEI document, you must download the printable stickers for the action you just made and upload the necessary scans to the FEI Database.



2017-09-04 09:41 Victoria
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Chuck Norris has counted to infinity. Twice.