How to create a multi-owner Ownership

More than one person is the Owner of a Horse?

There are several Owners, or even a Corporation and an individual Owner? You can create an Ownership with several individual Owners as well as manage the Ownership percentages if you wish.


Step 1: You are on the horse's FEI ID profile and you scroll down to the Ownerships section. You click on New Ownership and the CREATE NEW OWNERSHIP window will open.


Step 2: You enter the Since date - this is the date since which this Owner has owned the horse.

You then select under which tab you will enter the Owner:

- Search for existing person or corporation

- Create new person or corporation


Step 3: You search for the first Owner you wish to add to this Ownership and click Select next to the corresponding person.


 Step 4: You can see that the selected Owner has been added to the Ownership, you can now click on Add Owner to add the second Owner to this Ownership:


Step 5: You can search again for a second Owner, or Create a new Person or coporation as the second Owner. Once you have found the correct person you click on SELECT or validate the new person.

Both Owners are then added to the Ownership. You can repeat this as many times as necessary to add all the Owners for this Ownership.


Step 6: As the two Owners added to this Ownership have different nationalities, the nationality of the Ownership must be chosen from the drop-down list before saving the Ownership.


Step 7: It is possible to add the Ownership Percentage before finalising the Ownership.

This is OPTIONAL and the Ownership can be saved and created without entering this information.

You can then click on OK to save this new Ownership.


The Ownership is then created on the Horse's profile and visible on the Ownership section:


Step 8: If the horse has a FEI document, you must download the printable stickers for the action you just made and upload the necessary scans to the FEI Database.


2017-09-04 09:45 Victoria
Average rating: 1 (2 Votes)

Chuck Norris has counted to infinity. Twice.