You are creating a new Horse and need to add the Owner?
The Owner has changed on an existing Horse and you need to update the Ownership?
Step 1: You are on the existing horse's FEI ID profile and you scroll down to the Ownerships section, or you are at the Ownership section when creating the new Horse.
Step 2: You click on New Ownership and the CREATE NEW OWNERSHIP window will open.
- Are you creating an Ownership with someone who already exists on the FEI Database?
Click here to see "How to create a new Ownership with an existing person"
If you are not sure if they exist on the FEI Database, it is always good to search first before creating a new profile.
- Are you creating an Ownership with a new person, someone who does not already have a FEI ID number?
Click here to see "How to create a new Ownership with a new person"
If you are not sure if they exist on the FEI Database, it is always good to search first before creating a new profile.
- Are you creating a multi-owner Ownership?
Click here to see "How to create a multi-owner Ownership"
Step 3: Once you have created a new Ownership on the FEI Database, this will appear on the Horse's FEI ID profile.
If the Horse has a FEI document, please click on Download printable stickers to download the relevant stickers. Please remember to upload the correct scans to the FEI Database.
Click here to see "Which pages of the horse's identification document need to be uploaded on the FEI Database?"