What are the requirements for Athlete portrait photos?

Certain FEI events require Athletes to have portrait photos available. These are used for the TV graphics and TV broadcast.

The FEI Entry System informs you when a photo is necessary, or the FEI will contact you accordingly.

For any questions regarding Athlete portrait photos please contact: usersupport@fei.org


Picture Requirements


Dimensions: A minimum size of:Width: 1000px; Height: 1000px.

Please provide us with portrait pictures, not landscape pictures. For your information, the pictures used for TV broadcast will be in a square format.
Please ensure the pictures you provide will allow us to meet the requirements described below.


Resolution: Minimum: 150 dpi


Background: The pictures should be on a neutral background (flat color).


Situation: Athletes have to be pictured without a helmet, cap, any other hat and with no sunglasses.
Pictures should show the face and shoulders.

Format: JPEG and PNG pictures are the only formats accepted.

Royalty: All the pictures provided have to be royalty free.

Please note: Pictures with brand visibility, bad contrast, red eyes etc. won't be accepted.


Please find below a basic example of how the pictures will be used as well as examples of photos that do not fulfil the requirements listed above.


2019-07-24 17:21
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Chuck Norris has counted to infinity. Twice.