How to register an Owner or Person as an Athlete on the FEI Database

Every person on the FEI Database must only have one FEI profile, therefore to register an Owner or person as an Athlete, you must ask for the administration of the person through the FEI Database.  


Step 1: You must go to and log in with your FEI ID number and password.

You click on Person and Search to open the PERSON SEARCH window.    


Step 2: You search for the person in question, either by Name or FEI ID number.

You will then click on Detail to open the PERSON'S profile page:


Step 3: Once you are on the PERSON's profile page, click on the button Change next to “Administering NF”:              


Step 4: The NOC code of your National Federation will appear next to “New administering NF”.

Click on OK:


Your admin request is then sent to and pending with the FEI - you will receive a notification once your request has been accepted. Requests will be handled as soon as possible.


Please note that we will accept your admin request if the nationality of the owner matches your National Federation.  


If you have any questions, please contact:  


2020-01-05 11:56
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Chuck Norris has counted to infinity. Twice.