How to use the FEI HorseApp "offline" when performing the Examination on Arrival

Are you a FEI Veterinarian performing an Examination on Arrival at a FEI Event but have no internet connection?

It is now possible to use the FEI HorseApp offline to perform the Examination on Arrival. Your App will automatically switch to this mode if you have no internet connection.


Step 1: To process the Examination on Arrival, you must download and use the FEI HorseApp. 

Click here for all information related to the FEI HorseApp including the links to download the App.


Step 2: Before using the FEI HorseApp offline, you must ensure that you log in to the FEI HorseApp using your FEI ID number and password whilst you have an internet connection. This will allow you to download the offline database on to your mobile device.

Please note: we suggest you open your FEI HorseApp with an internet conneciton as late as possible prior to arriving at your FEI Event, to have the most up to date information.

Click here to see how to log into the FEI HorseApp if you have any issues


Step 3: Once you are logged in, you will see a notification pop up explaining that the offline database is being downloaded. This should only take a few seconds. After this, each time you open the FEI HorseApp with an internet connection, the offline database will synchronise to your device. 


Step 4: If you arrive at your FEI Event and have no internet connection, you can still perform the Examination on Arrival as per normal. You will note that there is a grey bar at the top of your screen informing you that you are working offline. 


Step 5: Perform the Examination on Arrival as per usual and enter this into the FEI HorseApp. You will see a warning message informing you of the time and date of the last database synchronisation.

--> Click here for information on how to perform the Examination on Arrival.

--> Click here for guidelines on how to use the FEI horseApp during the Examination on Arrival

Please note: if Horse Temperatures or a Self-Certification Form have been entered by the Athlete/PR since you last synchronised your FEI HorseApp, these will not appear on the FEI HorseApp. You can refer to the Athlete/PRs device for further information.


Step 6: The FEI HorseApp will confirm that your Examination on Arrival has been successfully submitted even though you are offline.


Step 7: You can view the Synchronisation status of your FEI HorseApp by going to the main menu. Click on the "burger menu" in the top left corner to display the menu.

Here you can see how many Horses you have Examined on Arrival in "offline mode" and their synchronisation status.


Step 8: When your mobile device is next connected to the internet, any Examination on Arrivals performed whilst in offline mode will synchronise automatically.


Please note: if you are aware you have no internet connection during a FEI Event, please make sure to connect to the internet as soon as possible afterwards so we receive the Examination on Arrival information as soon as possible to ensure traceability and biosecurity at our Events.




2023-09-11 07:20
Average rating: 4.5 (2 Votes)

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