How to interpret the additional information on the FEI HorseApp

You are a Veterinarian performing the Examination at Arrival at an FEI Event? You have scanned a Horse and can see their profile on the FEI HorseApp?

You need to interpret the additional information provided per Horse?


Click here to see How to use the FEI HorseApp during the Examination at Arrival


Step 1: The profile of the Horse will present an Additional Information box where you will be able to:

  • consult the Horse Temperatures entered prior to arrival at the FEI Event
  • consult the status of the Self-Certification Form (required to be filled in by the PR)


Step 2: The Horse Temperatures can be consulted by clicking on the corresponding label. The different labels and possibilities can potentially mean that you will act differently during the Examination at Arrival process.


 1) Measurement not found         

  • If no temperature has been entered by the PR, an advanced horse examination should be performed.
  • You have the right to refuse entry of this horse into the Event stables for biosecurity reasons and/or isolate the horse accordingly. Please also take into consideration if this horse has travelled to the Event with other horses and apply the same advanced examination and decision to these horses as well.
  • You will need to clearly explain the situation to the PR and take a decision if you will accept the horse(s) depending on the current situation.
  • For your information - the Horse will have violated the FEI Veterinary Regulations if the temperatures are not entered and the relevant sanction will be applied to the Horse and the PR


2) Not complete       

  • If the PR has entered a certain number of temperature recordings, you can consult the data entered and act accordingly.
  • You still have the right to isolate/refuse entry of this horse into the Event stables for biosecurity reasons.
  • Again, please take into consideration if this horse has travelled to the Event with other horses and apply the same decision accordingly.   
  • For your information - the Horse will have violated the FEI Veterinary Regulations if the temperatures are not entered completely and the relevant sanction will be applied to the Horse and the PR

3) Completed         

  • All 3 days of temperature recordings have been submitted by the PR prior to their arrival as per the FEI Veterinary Regulations and none are above 38.5°C.   


4) High Temperature(s)          

  • This indicates that certain temperature recordings have been entered, of which at least one is above 38.5°C, and therefore special attention should be paid to this horse. You can consult the data entered and decide whether you want to let the horse and its accompanying horse(s) enter the Event stables or if you wish to isolate the horse accordingly.


Step 3: If the Self-Certification Form is Missing, please ask the PR to fill in the form on the FEI HorseApp immediately - it will take less than a minute.

  • If the PR refuses to complete the form, this must be reported in the FEI Veterinary Delegate Report and you can inform the PR that the relevant sanctions will be taken.
  • If the PR cannot truthfully complete and submit the Horse Health Self-Certification Form, the horse and all accompanying horse(s) should be placed in isolation and the situation reassessed accordingly.
  • For your information - the Horse will have violated the FEI Veterinary Regulations if the Self-Certification Form is missing and the relevant sanction will be applied to the Horse and the PR.


The EHV-1 By-Law Sanctions can be found here.



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