How to fill in online Jumping reports

You need to fill in a Jumping report online? You were the Chief Steward or Foreign Judge at a CSI event?

You have received the notification that says you must fill in your Jumping report online?


Please refer to the guidelines below which outline the relevant steps you need to follow to submit your report.

Please make sure you are connected to the internet when you complete your Jumping reports.



Step 1: Go to and login with your FEI ID number and password.

If you can't remember your FEI ID number, click here to see "How to find my FEI number."


Once you are logged in, you will see the word Online and your name in the top right corner.


Step 2: You will land on the FEI Forms homepage.

Scroll down to the relevant report section and click on Load a Form.


Step 3: You will see all your reports, past and upcoming - scroll to find the one you are looking for and click on Download.



Step 4: From your Form List page, you will be able to open the relevant form to start filling in your report.

Click on Action - Open Form.



Step 5: Go through each section, filling in the relevant information that the report requests.

Once you have finished a page, please click on Save Form and Validate Section.

This will mark the section as Validated, all sections must be validated for the report to be submitted to the FEI.


Step 6: Certain sections have the possiblity to upload extra documents and files to accompany your report.

You can upload files from your computer using the Browse Files option or use the Drag&Drop tool.



Step 7: Once you have filled in the entire report and all sections are validated you can submit the report to the FEI.

Please note: The submission of the report is final, no changes can be made to the online report once submitted.

Click on Save Form and then Verify and Submit Form and follow the steps to confirm the submission.


You will receive an email to confirm that you have submitted your report correctly.


Step 8: Once submitted, You can download a version for your records by clicking on Print PDF.



For any technical assitance on the FEI Forms platform, please contact:

We have produced a PDF template of the Jumping reports which you can download and take with you to your event for reference.






Attached files: Chief_Steward_Report_PDF_Template.pdf, Foreign_Judge_Report_PDF_Template.pdf

2019-05-16 12:06 Victoria
Average rating: 5 (3 Votes)

Chuck Norris has counted to infinity. Twice.