How to add access rights on the FEI Online Schedule Platform

You want to grant access rights to a person for an Event in your Country so they can fill in the schedule?

You need to grant access to someone in the Organising Committee to manage the entries for an Event in your Country?

The Timing Provider needs to consult the entries?


You can give access through the FEI Online Schedule Platform under the ACCESS RIGHTS section.

As NF Schedule Admin, you can grant access to members of the Organising Commitee at any time and they will be given access straight away.


Step 1: Connect to the FEI Online Schedule Platform ( with your FEI credentials.


Step 2: On your Dashboard click on Details to open the schedule of the Event.


In the Access rights section there are three categories:

  • Schedule Users: these are the people who can edit or consult the online schedule for the Event
  • FEI Entry System Users: these are the people who can accept/reject entries for the Event or consult the entry lists for the Event on the FEI Entry System
  • Service Providers: these are the IT/Timing/Scoring Providers who require access to the FEI Entry System to download the entries and in certain cases upload results


Step 3: Go to the Access rights section and click on Add User... under the relevant section.


Step 4: Under Role you can choose if you want the person to have Admin or Consult rights.

  • Admin rights grant access to the person to see and modify anything on the FEI Online Schedule Platform and allows the given person to accept or reject entries on the FEI Entry System
  • Consult access is a "view only" access on both the FEI Online Schedule Platform and the FEI Entry System.


Step 5: Select the correct person by entering the name or FEI ID.

If this person is not yet registered on the FEI Database, you can click on Add a person not in this list to create the person.


Step 6: Once you have selected the correct person and filled in the required fields if necessary, click on Assign.


Please note: This section is completely seperate to the validation of the schedule.

It is not necessary for the ACCESS RIGHTS section to be completed or validated for the submission or publication of the schedule to take place.


The ACCESS RIGHTS section can be edited at anytime and the modifications are made directly on the FEI Database/FEI Entry System, the schedule does not need to be republished for the modifications to take place.


2021-03-29 08:09
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