How to use the Real Trace microchip scanner with the FEI HorseApp

You are a Veterinarian at a FEI Event? You must examine FEI Horses on arrival?

You have a Real Trace microchip scanner?


The FEI HorseApp must be used during the Examination on Arrival to identify and register the temperature of the Horse.

For certain Events you can use the FEI HorseApp to check if the necessary PCR test has been provided to the FEI.


Step 1: To process the Examination on Arrival you must download and use the FEI HorseApp.

Click here for all information related to the FEI HorseApp including the links to download the App.


Step 2: To see how to use the FEI HorseApp during the Examination on Arrival together with your Real Trace microchip scanner, consult the following video:

To note: click on 'Watch on YouTube' to open the video in full screen.


Click here to see how to log in to the FEI HorseApp if you have any issues.


Click here to watch a comprehensive video of how to perform the Examination on Arrival at a FEI Event.



2022-06-22 10:41
Average rating: 3 (2 Votes)

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