How to add a new vaccination and use the FEI HorseApp during the vaccination process


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Are you a veterinarian going to administer a vaccine against equine influenza to a FEI Horse and you need to add new vaccination details on the FEI HorseApp?


According to the FEI Veterinary Regulations, equine influenza vaccination details must be recorded on the FEI HorseApp for all FEI Horses in addition to being recorded in the Horse’s Passport.

Vaccination details must be entered on the same day the vaccine is administered, including the vaccine name and batch number, and you must be in the presence of the Horse.


Step 1: You must download and use the FEI HorseApp during the vaccination process.

Click here for all information related to the FEI HorseApp including the links to download the App.


Step 2: To see how to use the FEI HorseApp during the vaccination process, you can use the step-by-step guidelines below or watch the following video:

Click here to see how to connect microchip scanners to the FEI HorseApp.


How to use the FEI HorseApp during the vaccination process


Step 1: Log in to the FEI HorseApp with your FEI ID number and password.

Click here to see how to log in to the FEI HorseApp.

If you do not have already an FEI ID or if you have one but not as a veterinarian, click here to see how to create a vaccinating veterinarian profile on the FEI HorseApp.


Step 2: Choose to access the FEI HorseApp as a Veterinarian.


Step 3: We highly recommand you refresh the offline database before you leave the clinic in order to make sure you have the latest data available on the FEI HorseApp in case you do not have any internet connection where the Horse will be vaccinated.

Click on the menu on the left-hand side, select Synchronisation status and click on Refresh now.



Step 4: Click on Vaccinations.


Step 5: When you open the vaccinations section, you will land on My vaccinations and see all the vaccination details you have entered for all FEI Horses.

Click on New vaccination.

When you access the vaccination module on the FEI HorseApp for the first time, you need to do an e-learning test. This must be done only the first time you access the module. Click here for further information on how to access the vaccination module. 


Step 6: Here you can choose to:

  1. Scan Horse Microchip using a Bluetooth microchip reader, this will open the profile of the Horse directly, you can follow Step 7. The list of compatible microchip scanners can be found here and you can click here to see how to connect microchip scanners to the FEI HorseApp.
  2. If you do not have a compatible microchip reader or cannot find the microchip, choose any of the options to search for the Horse by name or FEI ID number.


Option 2: Search for the Horse with its name or FEI ID.


Begin the identification process by taking a photo of the Horse from the left or right side.



Step 7: Enter the vaccination details on the FEI HorseApp. You can save them as a draft by clicking on the blue button for submission after you have vaccinated the Horse. 



Step 8: If you administer a vaccination against equine influenza other than the first vaccination of the Primary Course (i.e. V1) and the Horse does not have any historical vaccination details registered on the FEI HorseApp, the last valid equine influenza vaccination administered to the Horse must be recorded on the FEI HorseApp. Click on Update history


Enter the historical vaccination details. It is the last valid vaccination against equine influenza administered to the Horse. Upload the vaccination page(s) of the Horse's passport that contain all the equine influenza vaccination details and click on the green button to submit.



Step 9: Even if the last vaccination details, for example the historical vaccination details you have just submitted, are not validated, you can still enter a new vaccination.

You can see the vaccination details you have saved with the status NOT SUBMITTED, select the vaccination details with the status NOT SUBMITTED and click on the edit blue icon to finalise the process.



Step 10: Once you have entered all the vaccination details and uploaded the vaccinations page of the Horse's passport with the new vaccinations details registered on it, click on the green button to submit the new vaccination on the FEI HorseApp.


Step 11: You will see all the vaccination details you have recorded on the FEI HorseApp for all FEI Horses on the section My vaccinations. You will also see the status of the vaccinations.


VALIDATED: the vaccination details are validated.

REJECTED: the vaccination details are rejected, all persons associated with the Horse and the veterinarian will be notified by email with the rejection comment.

PENDING VALIDATION: the vaccination details are pending validation. This status does not block any veterinarian for recording a new vaccination.


For FEI Official Veterinarian, click here to see how to validate a vaccination record on the FEI HorseApp during the Examination on Arrival.


Please note: Vaccination recording in the FEI HorseApp does not apply to Australia and New Zealand. However, Horses traveling outside those countries to compete must be vaccinated against equine influenza, and these vaccinations must be recorded in the FEI HorseApp.


2025-02-06 12:03
Average rating: 1.83 (6 Votes)

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