How to use the FEI HorseApp to upload horse documents

You are a National Federation and you need to upload Horse's document to the FEI Database and you want to use the FEI HorseApp?


With NF Horse Admin access on your profile on the FEI Database, you will be able to upload documents with the HorseApp for the Horses you administer. 


Step 1: Download the FEI HorseApp on your smartphone or tablet. The application is available on both iOS and Android Devices.

Click here for all information related to the FEI HorseApp including the links to download the App.


Step 2: Log in to the FEI HorseApp with your FEI ID number and password.

Click here to see how to log in to the FEI HorseApp.


Step 3: Choose to act as National Federation


Step 4: Navigate to the search section to find the Horse. You can search for a Horse by its FEI ID number or name. 

You also have the possibility to search for the Horse by scanning the FEI document barcode or scan the Horse's microchip with an external reader.

Click here to see how to connect microchip scanners to the FEI HorseApp.


Step 5: You will land on the Horse's page. You can click on Expand/Collapse to see further information about the Horse.

Click on the document line for which you need to upload the Horse's Documents.

Click here to see which pages of the Horse's identification document need to be uploaded on the FEI Database.


Step 6: Select the page you wish to upload.

You can choose to take a photo or choose a photo from your library.


Step 7: Make sure the page is not cropped and that all information is visible and in a good quality.


Step 8: Confirm the page of the Horse's document you are uploading.


Step 9: You will see the status Uploaded for the page you have uploaded.

Once the document is verified and validated by the FEI, you will see the status Validated.


Step 10: If a document is refused by the FEI, click on Refused to see the reason why the page has been refused.


Step 11: A pop-up window will open with the rejection comment. 


Step 12: When all the required pages are uploaded and validated, this will be indicated in the top right corner in green.


Please note:

  • Only Athletes and National Federation members can upload Horse documents on the FEI HorseApp.
  • As National Federation you can still make entry for your Athletes on the FEI Entry System for a future FEI Event if the documents are not yet validated by the FEI.


If you have any questions or require any assistance, please contact

2024-07-23 15:04
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