How to change a Horse Name on the FEI Database

If a horse wishes to change its Current Name, this may be liable to a financial charge.

 The horse’ Birth Name must always remain its first registered name which can be found on it's National Passport.


Please click here to view the Financial Charges and the Horse Name Change Guidelines.


Step 1: To change a horse name, you must type the new Current Name in the box and choose an option from the Kind of Change drop down list. You must then click on SAVE at the bottom of the page.


If the Birth Name was incorrectly entered on account creation, this can be corrected at any point choosing “Other change requiring FEI validation”.

Please Note: This will only be exempt from being invoiced if we can check this correction on a copy of the national passport or breed/birth certificate uploaded to the FEI Database or sent to the FEI for confirmation:


Spelling mistakes can be corrected also by choosing “Other change requiring FEI validation”.

Please Note: This will only be exempt from being invoiced if we can check this correction on a copy of the national passport or breed/birth certificate uploaded to the FEI Database or sent to the FEI for confirmation:


The relevant sticker needs to be printed - please refer to Step 3.


Step 2: If a Commercial Name (prefix/suffix) is being added to the horse, which will incur a financial charge, please enter this in the Commercial Name field and choose “Change of Horse Name & Commercial Prefix or Suffix (1'000.- CHF)”.


Step 3: A Change of Name sticker must be downloaded and stuck on the FEI document.

If your modification is a correction and not a name change, you can contact us ( to request the modified sticker(s) rather than download a "Name Change sticker".









The Change of Name sticker will need to be placed over sticker #1 on the name page of the FEI Document. It is meant to fit the sticker box corners on the above half of the sticker #1 to cover only the previous name.



Step 4: Once the sticker has been placed on the FEI document a new scan of page 1 (name page) will need to be uploaded to the FEI Database.

The system generates a line in the Documents section and requires a scan of the relevant page to be uploaded.

It is possible to upload a Full Document or only the necessary Name Page.

If the document uploaded is not correct, the FEI will reject the uploaded document and you will be informed accordingly by email and asked to upload a new scan.

The horse will not be able to be entered until a new document has been provided.


2021-02-08 15:35 Victoria
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