How to retrieve past World Rankings on the FEI Database

You would like to view or download an old world ranking?

You want to search for a specific Athlete in a world ranking?


Step 1: Go the FEI Database ( and navigate to the FEI Rankings and Standings page.


Step 2: Choose the discipline and ranking that you wish to view, in this example we will use the Jumping Longines Rankings


Step 3: Using the search feature, you select the Ranking/Standing Year from the dropdown menu as well as the Ranking/Standing Number you wish to consult, then click on Search.

It is possible to search/filter by Athlete Name or FEI ID number as well as by National Federation.


The searched Rankings will be displayed (50 competitors per page) sorted by rank.


Step 4: You can download the Rankings as a PDF document by clicking on Download as PDF.


Step 5: You can also sort the Rankings in a different order by clicking on the relevant word in the title bar of the Rankings. By clicking on Athlete it will sort the Ranking into alphabetical order, by clicking on NF it will group all Athletes from the same NF etc.


Please note: Not all historic Rankings have been digitalised and therefore only certain Rankings are available on the FEI Database. If you require a specific past Ranking, please contact: and we will see what is possible.


2021-12-10 11:35
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Chuck Norris has counted to infinity. Twice.